(हिन्दी संस्करण के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।)


Mahatma Gandhi wanted 7 lakh live martyrs to work in 7 lakh villages for the reconstruction of India. His desire was to form a national organisation with the merger of all the organisations working on Sarvodaya ideals. For this purpose he called a conference on 2-3 February 1948 in Sevagram but  by then he was snached away from us.

The meeting originally decided for February 1948, was held on 13-15 March 1948 at Mahadev Bhai Bhavan, Sevagram. In the presence of national leaders such as Dr.Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, Dr.Zakir Hussain, Dr.J.C.Kumarappa, Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Jayprakash Narayan, Kaka Kalelkar, Dada Dharmadhikari, Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru, Sant Tukdoji Maharaj, Ashadevi Aryanaykam, Prafulla Chandra Ghosh, Acharya J.B.Kriplani, Konda Venkatappayya, Jainendra Kumar, Bala Saheb Kher, Raghunath Srihari Dhotre, G.V.Ramachandran, Bibi Amthusalam, Srimannarayan, Pyarelal, Thakkar Bapa, Mridula Sarabhai, Kishorlal Mashruwala etc. All India Sarva Seva Sangh and Sarvodaya Samaj was formed.

The first Sarvodaya Sammelan was held at Rau (Indore, Central India) on 9-11 March 1949. Along with this, meeting of the Sarva Seva Sangh was also held and the constitution was approved.

According to the wishes of Gandhiji, organizations like Go-Seva Sangh, All India Gramodyog Sangh, Maharogi Seva Mandal, All India Charkha Sangh, Hindustani Talimi Sangh, Gandhi Seva Sangh merged with Sarva Seva Sangh.

Out of experience, constitution was subject to amendments from time to time. ‘All India’ was removed from the name of Sarva Seva Sangh during the Raipur Adhiveshan on 27th Dec. 1963.

In the beginning Sarva Seva Sangh was the organization of institutions. Later it was converted into Loksevak based organization.

Since 1948, we have seen so many dimensions. Historical Bhoodan-Gramdan movement was an effective tool for the non-violent process in the social change. Total Revolution movement of 1974-75, in the first phase championed to uphold the democratic citizen’s rights and afterwards, during the emergency regime, spearheaded people’s agitation and served the country. Though Sarva Seva Sangh has well contributed on many fronts, the effort to create the Sarvodaya social order is yet to be fulfilled.

The main strength of the Sangh is Loksevaks, its members. Sarva Seva Sangh is the organization of Loksevaks and the symbol of collective leadership. Our organization accepts truth and non-violence as its base for all our actions. In this light, we expect that all Loksevaks will keep themselves away from party and power politics and fulfill this historical background. We pledge to extend our organizational power, workers to dedicate themselves with pure means, so that we may reach the goal of sarvodaya through Antyodaya and Total Revolution.


  1. NAME

The name of this Sangh shall be SARVA SEVA SANGH


The office of the Sangh will be situated at Wardha or at a place as determined by the Sangh from time to to time.


The aim of the Sarva Seva Sangh is to usher in a social order based on truth and non-violence infused by human and democratic values which are free from exploitation, tyranny, immorality or injustice and which offer enough scope for human personality development.

With a view to attaining this aim, the Sangh shall always keep itself entirely aloof from the completion for acquisition of political power  for itself. It will endeavour to develop and establish a democracy not based on party politics but on the people’s polity (Lokniti). Such a society will rule out any distinction based on caste, creed, community, race, class, sex, colour, language or boundary, etc. It will endeavour to develop a way of life in which equality and partnership among the people continually increase helping to eradicate class distinctions, to terminate class differences, and to eliminate capital-labour frictions leading to a decentralised economy system in which Khadi, village industries, agriculture and cattle rearing become the chief modes of economic activities.

The Sangh, through its programmes, will generate the lofty ideals of peace, love, compassion  and justice for life. Within the limitations of non-violence, the Sangh will create Lokshakti in order to establish Sarvodaya, and through Total Revolution, it will take up constructive programmes, adopting satyagraha measures whenever necessary.


To fulfill the objectives of Sarva Seva Sangh the following major activities will be adopted:

1)     To offer opportunities for mutual contact and exchange of thoughts to the workers and institutions engaged in the reconstruction of the social order through social awareness building;

2)     To formulate the direction of the future programmes on the basis of past experiences and according to the needs of situations, especially in the context of Antyodaya, and give a lead to regional or national movements;

3)     To evolve by mutual consultation and exchange of experience, the solution to the difficulties and problems that crop up in the course of its working;

4)     For the fulfillment of its aims, to do all that is necessary, including experiments, training publication, reconstruction, non-co-operation, and Satyagraha.

For achieving its aims and objectives, the Sangh will decide upon appropriate programmes from time to time and for their execution, collect and spend funds, take or give loans or gifts, maintain, or sell vable or immovable property. Establish centres, run branches and do all such other things as will be deemed expedient from time to time.



Any person who is not less than 18 years of age and who agree to the basic tenets for a Loksevak and fills in and signs the membership form can enroll himself as Loksevak provided that the form is endorsed by two existing members of at least two year’s standing.


Any person having faith in the fundamental values of truth and non-violence and having faith in the aims, objectives and programmes of Sarva Seva Sangh can become a Sarvodaya Mitra. In token of his faith, he will subscribe annually Rs.1/-* to the District Sarvodaya Mandal. If there is no District Sarvodaya Mandal, he will pay it to the State Sarvodaya Mandal or Sarva Seva Sangh, (The membership form for the Sarvodaya Mitra will be prescribed by Sarva Seva Sangh Working committee from time to time)



An organized unit of at least 5 Loksevaks working in a particular area will be named as Primary Sarvodaya Mandal. To enroll Loksevaks, and constitute their ‘Mandal’  in every village is our task. It is expected that the Primary Sarvodaya Mandal will enlist the co-operation of the Sarvodaya Mitras of their respective areas in all programmes.

Primary Sarvodaya Mandal will nominate its Convener or President and Secretary. The choice of these office bearers by the Mandal, Loksevaks will give unanimous acceptance or consensus.


In a District, if there are 10 Loksevaks and at least 15 Sarvodaya Mitras and or 20 Loksevaks a District Sarvodaya Mandal may be formed. A District Sarvodaya Mandal consisting of the conveners  or Presidents of the Primary Sarvodaya Mandals be formed.  But in any condition, office bearers of the Mandal will have to be nominated only from among the Loksevaks. After formations of the District Mandal, that district will get representation in Sarva Seva Sangh.

A City Sarvodaya Mandal may be formed for a city having a population of 10 lakhs or more. A City Sarvodaya Mandal will have the same status as a District Sarvodaya Mandal.

A District or City Sarvodaya Mandal may, if necessary, co-opt members from among its Loksevaks, but the number of such co-opted members must not exceed one fourth of the total strength of that unit.

*Present Loksevak subscription fee is Rs. 30/- as per the Working Committee decision.


The organizers or the Presidents and one other representative from each district will constitute a ‘STATE SARVODAYA MANDAL’`.

The President of the State Sarvodaya Mandal is empowered to nominate members for his Mandal from amongst the Loksevaks of  his State, but the number of such nominated members must not exceed one fourth of the original strength of the Loksevaks of a State Sarvodaya Mandal.

Subject to the policy and procedure laid down by the Sarva Seva Sangh from time to time, Primary, District, City and State Sarvodaya Mandals will be free to decide their day-to-day method of working and rules and regulations.


(a)   Membership  

The following Loksevaks will be the members of the Sarva Seva Sangh –

(i) Every District Sarvodaya Mandal will have two representatives. One among them will be the Convener or President  and the other Representative; elected either unanimously or by consensus, at the general meeting of all the Lokseveks of the district. But if the district has 100 or more Loksevaks, such a district shall elect one additional representative also in the aforesaid manner, the representation in the Sarva Seva Sangh being three instead of two, in such cases.

(ii) The President of the Sarva Seva Sangh may nominate some members, the total number of such members shall not exceed 10% of the total strength as indicated in (i) above.

(b) Loksevak and the Sangh Meeting

Every Loksevak is eligible to participate in the meetings and deliberations of the Sarva Seva Sangh. However, only those falling in the category of 4 (a) (i)and (ii) will be entitled for participation in voting or decision making.


The terms of both the elected or nominated members will be three years. Likewise, the duration of membership for all Sarvodaya Mandal and Committees of the Sangh also will be three years.


As and when necessary, the Sangh, or its working Committee is empowered to appoint permanent, ad-hoc or sub-committees in order to facilitate its working properly and efficiently.

7) MEETING OF THE SANGH (Adhiveshan)

The President or under his advice, the General Secretary of the Sangh, shall convene the meetings of the Sangh. Holding such a meeting once in 6 months is obligatory.


  • The quorum for the Sangh meeting will be 100 or one-eighth of its total membership whichever is less.
  • The quorum for the Working Committee will be one-third of its total strength, but in no case be less than 10.
  • The quorum for the Board of Trustees meeting will be 3.


The decisions in the meeting of the Sangh, its working Committee and committees, will generally be by unanimity or consensus. If most of the members give their consent in favour and not more than 20% are not in open opposition, it will be treated as consensus (near unanimity) .


(a) The members of the Sangh will elect the President .

(b) In order to carry out the function of the Sangh there will be a Working Committee having the following members :-

(i) Members nominated by the President shall subject to a maximum of 15.

(ii) President of the State Sarvodaya Mandals (Ex-officio)

(iii) Managing Trustee of the Sangh.

(c) Whenever necessary, the President can nominate from amongst the Working Committee members, one or more office-bearers as Secretary, Joint-Secretary etc.


The Post of the President, falling vacant during the course of working for any reason, the Working Committee can fill in the vacancy by nomination of an Acting President. However, the election of the permanent President at the ensuing session of the Sangh is obligatory.


(a) The movable and immovable property of the Sangh will vest in the Board of Trustees of the Sarva Seva Sangh. The Board will be elected by the Working Committee of the Sangh. All the Trustees have to be Loksevaks. The duration of the term of the Trustees will be six years such that, as far as possible, after every two years two Trustees may retire. Vacancies in the Board of Trustees will be filled in as and when they arise by the Working Committee.  The Working Committee will also nominate the Managing Trustee.

(b)   The total number of Trustees, including the ex-officio members, shall not be less than five and not more than nine.

(c)   The President and the General Secretary will be ex-officio members of Trustee Mandal.

(d) The Trustees will represent the Sangh for all legal matters. All legal proceedings on behalf of the Sangh or against it will be conducted in the name of the Managing Trustee.

(e)    The Trustee  will  sign  documents, etc, in the name of the Sangh, look  after  the  movable  and immovable property of the Sangh. Maintain accounts, examine and get the accounts audited and in accordance with the decisions taken from time to time by the Sangh or its Working Committee, utilise, purchase, sell or transfer the property of the Sangh.

(f)    For opening accounts in the bank, signing cheques, or signing some other documents, the Board of Trustees, by passing a resolution, can authorise one or more persons, may they be members of the Board or not, jointly and severally or singly. It will not be obligatory for all the members of the Board of Trustees to sign each and every paper and document.

(g)   In order to facilitate its working smoothly, the Board of Trustees is authorized to frame such rules and bye-laws as are not opposed to the general policy and Constitution of the Sangh

(h ) Within the limitations of these instructions, the Trustee will invest the money or the funds of the Sangh as they deem fit. The sale or transfer of any immovable property can be effected only on the decision of the Working Committee. For Such transactions, the limitation of the Indian Trust Act will not be effective.


The Working Committee is empowered to frame such rules and regulations for the proper working of the Sangh as are not opposed to this Constitution and rules and regulation.


Any act of the Working Committee of the Sangh or any of its committees and or sub-committees, etc will not be deemed ineffective only  because certain elections are not held in time or vacancies remained unfilled.


Any amendment or alteration in the Constitution or Rules and Bye-Laws of the Sangh will have to be passed in two consecutive meetings of the Sangh duly convened by giving proper notice. The decision must have been arrived at in terms of the conditions laid down under rule 9 above.


If there arise any situation to dissolve Sarva Seva Sangh, a resolution should be adopted twice continuously in Working Committee as well as Sangh Adhiveshan as per rules. The Sarva Seva Sangh should complete its liability with others in the mean time and after that remaining assets movable or immovable will be handed out to any like minded organization/s, and it will take necessary action to dissolve as per section 13 & 14 under Societies Registration Act 1860.